
Capturing the energy of young people by building their awareness of those less fortunate than themselves. The Foundation is mobilising those young people by introducing them to projects run by our partner charities. These projects are aimed at building confidence and building skills amongst disadvantaged youths at home and abroad through Sports, Arts and Education.

Here is a H2 Header

Don’t feel like you have to read this text. It is really just dummy text to help me, the designer see how text will look on the site. There is a little information in it but generally it is just ramblings. For example right now I’m just rambling.

This is a paragraph. Font size is 14px colour is #6E6B6A, spacing is normal I think. There are a couple of types of tag that are most common in paragraph text these are emphasis and links. Emphasis is same size but darker colour (#5A7D6A) and bold. Link is same size but red. When you hover over links they become underlined and glow.

“Sometimes you will want to put quotes into pages or have pieces of text stand out. These will be displayed like this.”

Sometimes you will need to organise information in heirarchical ways the ways are headers and lists. For main section headers use H2. This is the green header as above.

This is a Heading 3 (H3)

The other commonly used alternative to breaking up and organising infomation is to use lists. These are like bullet points and in this site they will look like this.

  • This is point 1 – it can be long or short. This is just an example
  • Point 2. This can also be long or short. This example is slightly longer than the other one. And it contains a link just for fun.
  • Just a short one.

Tributes to Sam

  • Sam – such a lovely boy, big-hearted, who always made me laugh, and made me feel so welcome – such good fun. He will be incredibly missed.

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